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Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, aka lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition of the elbow. It is due to repetitive motion or overuse of the wrist and arm, causing the tendons of the forearm muscles that extend your wrist and fingers on the outside of the elbow to develop microscopic tears and become inflamed. The pain develops gradually and may decrease grip strength.

It is commonly seen in adults between the ages of 30 and 50 who have occupations that involve repetitive motions of the wrist and arms (painters, plumbers, carpenters, auto workers, cooks) and those participating in racket sports (tennis) that exhibit poor stroke technique.

Lateal-epicondylitis-pictureAbout 80-95% of patients who receive care early on have success with non-surgical treatments. Conservative treatments include modification to the aggravating activity, bracing, and chiropractic care combined with therapeutic modalities. If left untreated, tennis elbow can result in chronic pain especially when lifting or gripping objects and will require more invasive procedures such as cortisone injection and surgery.