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Tailbone Injury

Ever fall backwards onto a hard surface and ended up with low back and tailbone pain? If you went to the snow this weekend for some skiing and snowboarding fun or just slipped and fell and now you’re having pain, you could be suffering from a tailbone injury.

Most tailbone injuries are caused by trauma to the coccyx bone (the small bone at the lower tip of the spine). The common causes include a fall to the tailbone in the seated position, childbirth and repetitive straining or friction against the coccyx from activities such bicycling and rowing.

Injury to the tailbone produces pain and discomfort in the lower back and around the buttocks area. The pain can feel dull and achy and can become sharp. The pain is worse with prolonged sitting as direct pressure is being placed to the tailbone area in this position. Bowel movements and straining often aggravate the pain.

Majority of tailbone injuries can be very painful and slow to heal. But with proper chiropractic and home care you can achieve pain relief.

Tailbone Injury