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Balance and Coordination

Balance and coordination training is beneficial and suitable for people of every age. When you train balance and coordination, you are essentially coaching your nervous system to better control your body. They are vital component in our ability to move safely, to do the activities of daily living effectively and to be involved in and enjoy recreational activities. Failing to adequately train your balance and coordination leaves you with an unstable level of fitness and predisposes you to injury.

Make your workout more functional by incorporating these easy balance and coordination exercises. Keep in mind that balance and coordination can be improved with practice, so be patient!
• Balance on 1 leg
• While on hands and knees, stretch one hand out in front of you and stretch the opposite leg out behind you, while keeping your core muscles contracted
• From a standing position jump in place and turn 90 degrees
• Do a plank exercise and lift one arm/leg at a time
• Do a heel-toe walk in a straight line
• Hopscotch and riding a balance bike are great for the little ones

But before you start your workout, enjoy the video and have a wonderful Wednesday!

Balance and Coordination